Hey there! this is my FIRST blog post on my new website! Exciting right!? I thought I would start my new blog by introducing my story and telling you a little more about me & my wedding photography business: Robin Kunzler Photo! So keep on reading below to find how who I am, and how I became the wedding photographer I am today!

My name is Robin and I have been a photographer for over 7 years! That is, if you count the years starting out as the yearbook editor-in-chief for my high school. I was always fascinated with the fact that you can freeze a moment in time. It intrigued me for a long time how different poses and lighting can make a person look better, or worse. And I wanted to master it.
I saw how photography is artistic, creative, technological, and entrepreneurial all at once. These combined curiosities and passions about photography led me to where I am today, a full time wedding photographer.

My parents gave me my first camera when I was around 14 years old. A Canon point-and-shoot with LOTS of zoom ability! I took that thing with me everywhere! I even got some sweet pics of my brothers wakeboarding with that thing! Experimenting with my camera was so fun.
When I became the yearbook editor-in-chief I decided to upgrade to a DSLR. I have been addicted to photography ever since. I always wished I could be a Wedding Photographer one day, but wasn’t sure if that was something actually doable for me.

In the spring of 2019, I returned home from serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I served in Lansing, Michigan! This photo is from my last area, the beautiful campus of Michigan State University! My mission taught me a lot, not only about how amazing and loving God and Christ are, but also about having confidence and setting goals for things you don’t think could even be possible.
Before returning home I had set the goal to shoot at least one wedding that year. I was only home for less than ONE MONTH before booking that wedding.
ONE MONTH! I was floored I booked a wedding that quickly! There is POWER in setting goals.

I started my business officially that spring, and got busy with many different types of shoots very quickly! I loved every single one and was learning a lot.
Soon enough, I decided to invest in some courses to learn how to become a better Wedding Photographer, and to this day I still use the concepts taught in the first courses I learned from. One of my favorite courses was the Shooting and Editing Course by the Amy and Jordan Demos.
Upgrading my camera, learning how to charge tax, creating a website, and going back to Utah State University to study Marketing really upleveled my business in it’s beginning stages.

Because I was a poor college student, I still worked part time while juggling my full-time student schedule AND a growing photography biz. The hard work paid off though. Not only was I able to graduate school in the fall of 2021 debt-free, I was also able to go full time with my photography business after graduation. I thank God every day for this opportunity. I couldn’t have done it without His guidance.
Studying marketing and entrepreneurship – and directly applying my learnings to my logan, utah wedding photography business helped SO much while I was at USU. I was able to create business and marketing plans, learn about my ideal client, and understand digital marketing. I took some photography courses as well. One of which taught me thoroughly how to notice DETAILS. That class was hard, but taught me a whole lot.

It was NOT an easy path. But I have my family, God, and my AMAZING husband to thank for their never-ending support and love as I have plowed forward on this journey. I can tell you that I will not take your wedding for granted. Why? Because I have worked so very hard to get where I am today to photograph weddings.
There have been tears, there have been laughs, disappointments, and so much JOY. Being a Wedding Photographer was a dream I actually didn’t think was possible. So being able to shoot the BEST day of people’s lives is literally a dream come true for me.

The main lesson I have learned through this journey is that if you want it bad enough – you will make it happen. Sometimes it will require a whole lot of patience and learning from your mistakes. But if you really want it, you will work hard enough to earn it.

Thank you for your support. I can’t thank you enough. Whether you have hired me in the past to shoot your wedding, family, brand, etc. Or if you are reading this, just getting to know me for the first time… Know that I am SO grateful you are here at Robin Kunzler Photo. ♥️
If YOU would like your photos taken by me, click HERE to schedule your shoot date and tell me what type of shoot you would like! 😊 I can’t wait to hear from you.
Thank you for reading! Until next time!
Robin Kunzler Photo
[…] a wedding photographer, I know not everyone likes to do their shoots with friends and family around. It can be a little […]